Allen E. Bergin’s autobiography is a must read for anyone interested in the history of psychology and psychotherapy. Dr. Bergin is internationally known and respected for his pioneering research and scholarly writing about religion, mental health, and psychotherapy. No other individual has so profoundly contributed to the development of a spiritual framework for the behavioral sciences and healthcare professions. During the 1980s and 1990s, he risked his international reputation as an eminent psychotherapy researcher and scholar when he courageously confronted the entrenched, anti-religious bias that had existed for over 100 years in the psychology and psychotherapy fields. Bergin’s pioneering research and writings on psychotherapy and religious values and religion and mental health ignited a worldwide, ecumenical, interdisciplinary movement to bring religious and spiritual values and approaches into the mainstream behavioral sciences and mental professions. His writings transcended denominational religious differences and united mental health professionals from diverse religious and spiritual backgrounds in the common quest to develop spiritually oriented treatment approaches to assist all of the human family. (Source: Open Theology 2016; 2: 876–880; Psychotherapy and Religious Values: Remembering Allen E. Bergin’s Legacy, by P. Scott Richards).